About us

The Bioinformatics and Systems Biology group (GiBBS) is physically located at National University of Colombia in Bogotá, Colombia (South America). Our research is focused on the reconstruction and analysis of biological networks into three main areas: Computational Modeling, Machine Learning in Biological Systems and Statistical Genomics.

Research areas

Computational Modeling

Coordinated by professor Andrés Pinzón Ph.D. Institute for Genetics, National University of Colombia. Biologist specialized in the application and development of Systems biology and Bioinformatics methos for the study of biological networks. His work focuses in the following topics:

Email: ampinzonv@unal.edu.co

Statistical Genomics

Coordinated by professor Liliana López Kleine Ph.D. Department of Statistcs, National University of Colombia. Biologist specialized in the development and application of statistical methods to the analysis of genomic data. Most of her research has been dedicated to the analysis of gene expression data (microarray and RNAseq data). Her work focuses in the following topics:

Email: llopezkleine@unal.edu.co

Machine Learning in Biological Systems

Coordinated by professor Juan David García Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine, National University of Colombia. Email: judgarciaar@unal.edu.co

Technical assistance

Deep level configuration and cluster maintanance is performed by Javier Duque jaduquec@unal.edu.co.

General cluster servers administrative tasks are performed by Andrés Pinzón ampinzonv@unal.edu.co.


The following students and researchers are actively associated to our group.

PhD students

Master students

Undergrad students